Marketing will be hastily equated with consumer marketing.
So that what we see every night in the mailbox or in front of the TV waiting for us, when it comes to the sale of detergents, cigarettes, drinks – as a rule thus mark items to be sold to end consumers.
The range of services to our customers is to meet the needs of others and not focus on the consumer. B2B communication follows different rules. It is aimed not just to consumers, but especially to people in their professional capacity. It's about services, capital goods, manufacturing capabilities and products that are procured by organizations to create additional services or products.
These are mostly in need of explanation services, which often require higher than average understanding of complex and technical operations. In our agency, each employee is trained in this special focus - no matter whether it is the measure telemarketing, direct mail, corporate brochures, corporate videos or websites.
More informations to our competence in the following industrial sectors:
Our measures in market development for revenue savings and competitive ability in Germany are eligible by ESF European Social Fund.
If you need further information or have any question please do not hesitate to give us a call. Our office hours are Mondays through Fridays between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm.
+49 (0) 69/41 67 41-0
Frankfurt on the Main